Triathlon Summer Season 2018

Are you dreaming of the summer, and think triathlon might interest you this year?

Tri Montagne is a fun, friendly and sociable club launching into it’s second triathlon season.

Memberships can now be renewed or created. There are a range of membership options, from competition licenses to social memberships, to suit differing levels of participation.

Training sessions commence in June and adults and children will have the opportunity to train under our Triathlon Coach on a regular basis throughout the summer.

With different pricing and payment options sessions are open to members and non-members.

There are a range of events easily accessible from Morzine, from super-sprint formats through to long distance events.

Triathlon specific clothing and training gear in our club colours are made to order and again there is a range of items to suit personal preferences. has been updated with all the latest information and we regularly post on our Facebook page too.

So what are you waiting for?

Join the club to support the development of the sport of triathlon and be ready to swim, bike & run!
